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How to reshape and care for Bolga Baskets

Bolga baskets are famous for their sturdy and vibrant colors. Artisans, primarily women, often devote a week to make one basket in Bolgatanga, Ghana. These functional and artistic baskets are versatile and easy to maintain. Bolga baskets are great for storage, home décor, and shopping. A Bolga basket can last for many years with some love and care.

Care instructions

  • Keep the basket thoroughly Air-dried after exposure to moisture. Elephant grass is eco-friendly and decomposable when exposed to prolonged moisture.

  • Leather handles need to be kept dry and wiped with a dry cloth or cleaned with neutral shoe polish.

  • Evenly distribute the load in your basket to prevent the weakening of one side.

  • Avoid storing the elephant grass basket under heavy objects, which can damage the basket.

Reshaping basket

Bolga baskets may need reshaping when they are mailed in a crushed state or after prolonged use. When elephant grass absorbs water, it softens and becomes easy to mold.

  • Spray or submerge the elephant grass basket in cold water and let it stand for about one minute. Warm water can cause the plant-based dyes used in coloring the baskets to fade. Coldwater is best.

  • Place the basket on a flat surface, open up the basket a bit more and mold it with your hands to the desired shape. It is important to flatten the base of the basket to avoid imbalance.

  • After reshaping the basket, thoroughly air dry while avoiding prolonged sunlight exposure. The powerful rays of the sun can fade the basket.

Your Purchase makes a difference

ENJOY your basket and remember that your purchase supports artisans who have invested much creative energy, time and love into your Bolga Basket! Thank you for being so supportive.

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